this must be the place: art + coffee

a collaboration with coin coffee

the intersection of art, coffee and blockchain

I am honored to share that I had the amazing opportunity to collaborate with Coin Coffee for their second season season of Art & Coffee. I got to design my own bag of coffee, which is available on their website.

The artwork on the coffee bag, titled This Must Be the Place, is about taking a moment to appreciate how far you have come. We spend so much of our lives in our heads, envisioning seemingly faraway dreams and calculating the quickest path to make them a reality. But maybe what we need is to take a moment to reflect on where we are at this very moment. It’s easy to get caught up in constantly chasing the next goal that we often forget to acknowledge everything we did to get here.

This Must Be the Place is a reminder that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be, and every version of yourself exists in the now.

Learn more on Coin Coffee’s website and shop my coffee here


live painting at allships holiday party
