Messages from the Universe

“You have such a great job,” I was constantly told, “just keep working hard and climb the corporate ladder.” These words made me feel sick to my stomach, but I heard them over and over. I started my career in the beginning of 2021 at a well-known global media agency. I was proud of myself for finally getting a job after applying to hundreds of companies in the middle of a pandemic, but the excitement quickly wore off. Everyone around me seemed to be happy for me so I silenced my lack of fulfillment and tried to ignore every sign that this was not for me.

I struggled throughout my short-lived corporate career; I felt so alone and misunderstood. Occasionally I would open up to someone about how unhappy working a 9 to 5 made me, how suffocating and unfulfilling it was; few people seemed to understand. Creating art allows me to process and express my emotions, and I found myself drawing in every free moment I had. Creating is healing and allows us to connect with ourselves and the Universe on a deeper level. I believe the Universe is constantly sending us messages, and it is up to us whether we listen.

That’s just what I did when multiple people in my life - from close friends to acquaintances - told me to look into turning my art into NFTs. I knew this wasn’t a coincidence; it was the Universe communicating with me, guiding me towards the path meant for me. I always felt in my heart that I was put on this earth to connect with people through my art. So, I started researching, watching YouTube videos, listening to podcasts, joining discords and twitter spaces. I listed my first collection, Interconnected Planes, on OpenSea in February, but it wasn’t until March that everything changed.

It was a normal Monday morning; I joined a twitter space that my IRL artist friend was speaking in. I listened as people shared their art and NFT projects when my friend suddenly introduced me to the space of over 200 listeners. He pinned a tweet of my art and just like that, I sold my first NFT. Then, I got on stage and talked about my journey as an artist and the meaning behind my collection. Many people in the space retweeted my art which led to OpenSea’s twitter account following and messaging me. Next thing I knew, I was featured on the OpenSea homepage, the largest and most well-known NFT marketplace.

This moment changed my life completely. Within two days my collection of over 100 pieces sold out, and about a month later I decided to quit my job and focus on art and NFTs full time. I have since connected with so many amazing people in the NFT space, and opportunities continue to flow in; I feel more connected to myself and the Universe than ever before. Remember, “when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.” - Paulo Coelho


137pm podcast FT. Alyssa