realms of reflection

Realms of Reflection is a visual representation of actualized dreams and gratitude for the journey to the present moment. While this collection focuses on similar themes to Interconnected Planes - childhood, connection, and the desire to break out of constructs - it approaches them from a transformed perspective. Nostalgia continues to influence the style and meaning behind my art, yet there is a newfound sense of growth, acceptance and freedom within each piece.

Realms of Reflection is about coming to terms with the past and finding beauty throughout the entire journey, even in the darkest moments. It’s in those moments that we grow the most, as long as we choose to. This collection is a mirror into my soul and an appreciation for all of the joy, pain, and love felt. While creating Realms of Reflection, I realized that I finally feel at peace with myself. I chose to listen to myself and the messages from the Universe, and for the first time since I was a kid, I feel completely free.

I think life is so beautiful. We are put on earth for a short amount of time to experience life and feel and grow and learn. There may be moments where you lose sight of who you are and what you’re doing here, but you can always return to yourself. Take the time to connect with yourself and do the things you loved as a child. What is it that you want from this life? Visualize it. Believe that you are worthy of having it. The Universe is always on your side.

You can check out Realms of Reflection here:


Dealing with creative block


metasilk interview ft. alyssa