onto year 25: manifold open edition

25 years here. In this body. On this earth. As much as I want to say I hate getting older, there’s something so beautiful in the impermanence of it all. It’s so easy to forget that our human experience is a gift, and we are just the Universe experiencing itself from infinite perspectives. I think that’s the point - to just experience the present moment; to just be here. Everything is so temporary. Fleeting. Here today and just for today.


Onto Year 25 - Manifold 24 Hour Open Edition available 12/18/22 from 12:00am - 11:59pm ET

In honor of turning 25 on Sunday, I will be doing a 24 hour open edition mint on Manifold of the piece above, titled “onto year 25.” Minting will be open Sunday 12/18/2022 from 12:00am - 11:59pm ET, and then it will close forever. Mint price is .025 $eth, and each wallet can mint up to 3 editions here.

embraced by your energy

embraced by your energy - dropping 12/18/22

I will also be dropping “embraced by your energy,” the first 1/1 in my new collection Connected Consciousness, priced at .25 $eth. Make sure to turn on twitter notifications from me if you want to be the first to know when it drops on Sunday.

I can honestly say this has been the best year of my life. And I know that sounds dramatic, but really. I have seen my biggest dreams become a reality, and I understand the power I hold in creating my reality. I wish one-year-ago me could see this version of me that has always existed. I feel so so so grateful that I get to put all of my time and energy into creating and connecting with people through my art.

Now I want to share some things I’ve learned throughout my (almost) 25 years here…


  1. The energy you put into the world returns to you

  2. You already have all the answers you need within

  3. Abundance mindset!!

  4. Remind yourself in moments of anxiety that you are just a tiny spec of dust in an infinite Universe - nothing is ever as serious as it feels

  5. You always find a way through it

  6. All that exists is the present moment which is fleeting, so enjoy it - life is meant to be fun, not a chore

  7. Being different is good

  8. Everything is a message from the Universe

  9. Look back on the lowest points of your life and realize how much beauty and growth came from them

  10. Keep a note on your phone where you write down creative ideas (no matter how big or small) as they come to you - even if you don’t act on all of them, you can always return to the list as a source of inspiration

  11. The Universe always has your back and is doing everything in its power to make your dreams come true

  12. Art has no rules - it is a pure expression of our own energy and experiences

  13. There is so much good in the world

  14. Journal more - it’s like untangling all of the thoughts in your mind

  15. You may be getting older, but your inner child is still alive - connect with her by creating art, reading your favorite childhood books, playing outside, dancing around your room, etc.

  16. Practice gratitude every day (I really think this is the key to true happiness)

  17. Limits only exist in your mind

  18. Our perception of the external world is really a reflection of our internal world

  19. People will criticize you no matter what you do, so do whatever the f**k you want

  20. Time is an illusion and we are living on multiple planes simultaneously - the version of yourself you desire to be already exists

  21. Allow things to flow in and out of your life naturally - let go of control and attachment over people and things

  22. You are never alone - you are divinely guided and protected

  23. No one really knows anything

  24. You are so powerful - you create your reality whether you’re aware of it or not

  25. Everything is energy, and energy is malleable


nunchi x alyssa
