behind the piece 003: the stories we carry with us

003: the stories we carry with us

I am fascinated by the idea that our identities are the result of the people and stories we encounter throughout our lives. Each experience we have with others shapes us in some way, whether we are aware of it or not. There is something so beautiful in the idea that we are the accumulation of other people’s energy, and in a way we are all connected.

The theme of connection comes up in a lot of my art. Connection to ourselves, to others, to the world around us, to the Universe. While creating this particular piece, I felt a lot of sentiment and gratitude for every being I have encountered throughout my life, and the way their stories have shaped my own identity. At the end of it all, we are just the stories we carry with us.


familiar places in my mind : upcoming drop on 1st dibs


behind the piece 002: roller blading in the driveway